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Pellegrini Francois / y86js_v1
MIT LicenseUB fork of the js-y86 project by Victor AGUILAR and Xuming ZENG
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Pellegrini Francois / y86js_v2
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterYet another web, Javascript-based, version of the popular y86 virtual microprocessor environment. In addition to y86 code assembly and execution, it provides HCL compilation and processor configuration features.
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Santos Frederic / meetup_orgmode_2020
Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 4.0 InternationalDocuments à disposition des participants au Meetup sur Orgmode, organisé par l'Urfist Bordeaux en juillet 2020.
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Etude observationnelle transversale sur la proportion de vidéos antivax de la plateforme Youtube