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Hilaire Thibault / Petri Net in Coq
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Spécification et preuves des algos de parcoursup
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TaPAS is a set of ANSI C libraries related to Presburger Arithmetic and a small solver program.
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Delmon Christophe / CC_SSH
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 onlyPrincipe : Faire un TP Noté en télétravail
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AltaRica Project / AltaRica Checker
MIT LicenseUpdated -
taf / FAST extended release
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterFAST extended release is the sequel of FAST model-checker developped at LSV. This tools has been extended with TaPAS libraries in order to accept plugins for solvers of the Presburger arithmetic.
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Comparison of Ultimate Frisbee Tournament and Championship (done during Université de Bordeaux Licence 1 internship of Adrian Pino at LaBRI from June 12th to July 7th 2023)
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